Clinic Finder

Gastroenterology specialty clinic 1. (IBD)

Department Name

Department of Gastroenterology

Appointment Phone Numbers
+36 52 411 717
/ 51118

Appointment Emails

Appointment Information

Betegelőjegyzés: Munkanapokon 11:00-15:00 óra között

Gastroenterology 2 (Bartók Béla str.)

Department Name

Department of Gastroenterology

Appointment Phone Numbers

Appointment Emails

Colonoscopic examination specialty clinic 1.

Department Name

Department of Gastroenterology


Department Name

Department of Gastroenterology

Appointment Phone Numbers
+36 52 411 600
/ 51118

Appointment Emails

Appointment Information

Betegelőjegyzés munkanapokon 11-15 óra

Endoscope examination

Department Name

Department of Gastroenterology

Examination of Adaptation Patients

Department Name

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Appointment Phone Numbers
+36 52 511 777
/ 1948 / 1951


Department Name

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Appointment Phone Numbers

Alcohology care

Department Name

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Appointment Phone Numbers
+36 52 411 717
/ 55214
+36 52 411 717
/ 56234

Appointment Emails

Allergology and sarcoidosis specialty clinic

Department Name

Department of Pulmonology

Appointment Phone Numbers
+36 52 411 717
/ 57142

Appointment Emails