Obstetric care (maternity care, childbirth, abortion)

In a year more than 2200 births are taken place at our Obstetrics Division. A lot of people choose us from Debrecen and the surrounding counties as well. The frequency of cesarean section is lower than the national average and the occurence of preterm birth is also favorable. Pregnant women requiring institutional supervision are treated in the Pregnancy Outpatient Clinic and in case of internal medicine diseases, the care is provided by our specially trained internal medicine doctors. Ultrasound examinations are done by specially trained sonographers and specialists. 

Family-oriented obstetrics

Such provisions have been introduced which help the harmonic connection between mother, father and baby (the family). There is a growing need for the attendance of the father or another member of the family during the childbirth and we give them the opportunity to do this. During pregnancy, we provide birth preparation courses where coupleg can get answers to their questions about childbirth and maternity care. As our experiences, giving birth in the presence of the father reduces the feeling of vulnerability and anxiety, improves the ability to cooperate and strengthens the relationship. During childbirth, it is possible to listen to music, take photos, and cut the umbilical cord. Our institute supports the process of storing stem cells initiated by the couple.

Pain relief options during childbirth

  • medicated
  • gas inhalation analgesia with Nitranalg
  • spinal cord anesthesia (LEDA), is becoming more popular among expectant mothers.

The use of cannula and the determination of the amount of drugs are performed by the anesthesiologists. Experienced physicians will decide the time of the amniotomy during labor and the need for pain augmentation by infusion. The justification of cesarean section, vacuum extraction is decided by the head of the department or the head of the emergency department. Episiotomy is made only when necessary.

Two hours after giving birth, the expectant mothers will be placed in the rooming-in, where we will offer more options for placement and breastfeeding.

  • traditional - breastfeeding every 3 hours
  • daytime "rooming in" (together with the newborn baby) 6 AM - 10 PM
  • 24 hours "rooming in"

In the rooming-in we provide midwife, pediatrician and infant nursing care and assistance.

Discharge is usually in the 4th-5th days depending on the condition of the mother and the newborn.


Vaacum extraction

The application of this procedure aimed at helping the process of vaginal delivery may be indicated by the baby’s health or the labor not processing as expected. During vacuum-assisted delivery a soft plastic cup with a handle and a vacuum pump is fixed to the baby’s head. After the mother is given oxytocic agents, the baby’s skull is gently pulled during contractions with the help of the suction created by the vacuum. Then, the vacuum is released and the cup is removed from the baby’s head. If applied correctly, under appropriate conditions, this delivery method is generally safe for the mother and the baby alike.

Cesarean section

When indicated by the mother’s and/or the baby’s health, cesarean delivery is performed. During this surgical procedure a horizontal skin incision is made, accompanied by careful blunt dissection of the subcutaneous tissue. After the baby is removed from the uterus, continuous suture is used to repair the uterine incision. Most surgeries are performed under neuraxial (spinal or epidural) anesthesia. Patients are usually discharged after 4-5 days, when skin sutures are removed.


For the removal of pregnancy the patient needs to have a valid record and an appointment made in advance. If these conditions are met, the patient is prepared for surgery, then suction tubing is used under anesthesia to remove the pregnancy. In nulliparous women absorbent rods are used before the procedure to achieve cervical dilatation. Vacuum suction can usually be performed 2-3 hours after the placement of such rods. Patients are discharged on the day of the surgery.

Last update: 2022. 03. 21. 11:29