4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98, Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Building, ground floor, door 50
Radiotherapy specialist outpatient clinic takes care of the admission, examination and preparation for therapy of patients who are directed to internal or external radiotherapy within the framework of complex oncological care. Apart from the examinations, preparations and counselling indispensable for the radiotherapeutic procedures patients also get monitored and followed up. External radiotherapy of benign joint patients is also within the scope of the unit.
Appointments can be booked in person at the patient admission desk or by telephone at +36 52 255 026 or +36 52 411 717 / extension 55074.
Dr. Zsuzsanna Barta
Benkéné Dr. Mária Anna Besenyői
Dr. Emese Csiki
Dr. Ádám Dér
Dr. Erika Hevesi
Prof. Dr. Árpád Kovács
Dr. Erika Szántó
Dr. Imre Törő
Radiotherapy - Doctor's office 1
Radiotherapy - Doctor's office 2
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98, Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Building, ground floor, door 51
Radiotherapy - Doctor's office 3
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98, Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Building, ground floor, door 53
(208) Sugárterápia - 4. vizsgáló
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98. Onkoradiológiai Klinika. épület földszint 02-08. ajtó
Radiotherapy - Doctor's office 5
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98, Oncology and Nuclear Medicine Building, ground floor, door 26
(N16) Sugárterápia - 6. vizsgáló
4032 Debrecen, Nagyerdei körút 98. Onkológiai és Nukleáris Medicina Tömb földszint 06. ajtó