Anesthesiology II


The specialist outpatient clinic is manned by two specialists in two suites (suite 134 and 135) on a rotation basis. The preoperative assessment of the health condition of patients is done here, and plans are made to schedule the necessary check-ups.

We inform the patients about the anesthesia options available for them, about potential complications, about dosing with their regular medications before the surgery, and about requirements regarding fasting and allowed drinks if any.


Dr. Sándor Bányai

Dr. Ádám Biró

Dr. Emese Czipa

Dr. László Péter Drimba

Dr. László Farkas

Dr. Mónika Fiák

Dr. Vera Angéla Fórizs

Dr. Sándorné Gáspár Dr. Katalin Végh

Dr. Ádám Gömöri

Dr. Sándor Hajdu

Dr. Anikó Katalin Hamvas

Dr. Mónika Éva Kiss

Dr. Boldizsár Mikler

Dr. Molnárné Dr. Éva Katalin Gacsályi

Dr. Eszter Mária Nagy

Dr. Panyiné Dr. Ildikó Edit Gödény

Pócsiné Dr. Rita Gyulai

Dr. Levente Subecz

Dr. Renáta Sütő

Dr. Zsolt Szabó

Dr. Klára Magdolna Szent-Andrássy

Dr. Gábor Szentkereszty

Dr. Edit Borbála Varga

Clinic Rooms(s) where specialist order is available

Anesthesiology II - medical room 135

Appointment required

4031 Debrecen, Bartók Béla út 2-26, Outpatient Care Center, floor 1, door 135