Infectology - Hepatology


Hepatology is a field of science that deals with the liver and the bile duct.

It specializes in the examination and treatment of various liver diseases, abnormal laboratory parameters pointing at liver damage, enlargement of the liver, diffuse or focal lesions in the liver detected by ultrasound, icterus, viral serology abnormalities (hepatitis A, B, C, D, E virus), and metabolic disorders damaging the liver.


Dr. Imre Bakos

Dr. Viktor Jancsik

Dr. Zoltán Panyiczki

Dr. Zsolt Barta

Clinic Rooms(s) where specialist order is available

Infectology - Adult allergology - Doctor's office 9


4031 Debrecen Bartók Béla út 2-26, Infectology Clinic, ground floor, door 9

Direct Phone