It provides care for children from Hajdú-Bihar county between the ages of 0 and 18 and requiring specialist examination and treatment.
Patients in need of inpatient care are advised to turn to the Pediatrics Clinic at the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre in accordance with the effective agreements. Our division offers specialist consultations in pediatrics as well as related care services, including pediatric cardiology, allergology-immunology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, nephrology, and pediatric pulmonology. A high standard of care is assured by our qualified medical staff. Every specialist doctor is a qualified pediatrician specializing in one or two areas of the discipline, furthermore, they have years, decades of experience in the treatment of pediatric patients. Empathetic and highly qualified, experienced healthcare professionals assist in the doctors’ work at our specialist practices.
Medical examinations and treatment are conducted in compliance with effective guidelines, professional algorithms and nursing protocols.