The legal predecessor of the Urology and Andrology Division was founded in 1955 as the first independent division of urology in Hajdú-Bihar Country, headed by Dr. György DIÓSZEGHY. In 1986, after the retirement Dr. DIÓSZEGHY, his student, Dr. Barnabás SZŐKE became the head of the unit. After his retirement, Dr. Miklós SZŰCS became the head physician having a degree as a urology and andrology specialist physician and a healthcare manager and having worked at the Urology Clinics of the University of Debrecen.
Since 1 December 2007, the division - the first among the county divisions in Hungary - has been operating as a division of andrology in addition to the urology profile: there are separate andrology beds and andrology specialist consultations for male patients with fertility issues, including, for example, a state-of-the-art sperm counting machine, testicle analysis ultrasound device and comprehensive hormone test laboratory facilitates. It has been a key effort of ours in the previous years to move the necessary healing surgeries towards the most humane, intimate interventions posing the least possible burden for the body. In line with these efforts, extracorporeal stone removal interventions (ESWL) have a leading role in the treatment of renal and urinary stones and the stones unable to be treated with this method are removed by upper or lower urinary tract endoscopy. The majority of the patients with prostate hypertrophy, bladder stones and bladder tumors are also treated by endoscopy. All endoscopic surgeries are performed using an endovideo system with a chip camera, adequately illuminating the tiny dimensions and enlarging them several times. During our laparoscopic surgeries, the newest endoscopic techniques are applied as well, therefore, the surgeries which previously required cutting the abdominal wall can now be performed via small openings, with the help of a video system. Additionally, physicians of the division have extensive experience in the field of open surgeries as well. For instance, in the case of bladder tumors, we perform the removal of bladder and its simultaneous surgical replacement from small intestine, which is unique in the region, if the condition of the patient requires it and makes it possible. This procedure saves the patients from wearing an abdominal stoma, which is of crucial significance in terms of the quality of life of the patient. In addition to the above, the treatment of other conditions among urological diseases, malformations noticed in adulthood and the treatment of injuries of urological organs also belong to the profile of our division.
Care is provided at the division and the associated specialist consultations by 11 specialist physicians, 3 trainee specialist physicians, 16 healthcare professional of the division and 10 specialist assistants. In addition to having specialist qualifications in urology, within the team, there is are physicians with specialist qualifications in anesthesiology and intensive therapy, andrology, oncology, surgery, sexual medicine and one physician has a Ph.D. degree. The aim of all colleagues working at the division is to provide the best of their knowledge to ensure the fastest possible recovery of our patients. Our joint objective is to let our patients feel home at our division from the time of their admission, therefore, we would like them to feel free to contact the employees of the division in case of any questions. We present and publish our scholarly findings based on our experience gained during the treatment of our patients, rare and instructive cases studies, our novel ideas providing useful knowledge for others primarily in collaboration with British partner institutions at Hungarian and international conferences and scholarly articles.