Right to become acquainted with medical records

  • Patients shall have the right to be informed:
    • about their disease and treatment,
    • the data related to them,
    • medical documentation (see paragraph 10 of section VII), (ld. még VII. fejezet 10. pont),
    • to request a final medical report upon discharge from the healthcare institution,
    • to receive a written medical opinion regarding their health data.
  • The medical documentation shall be in the possession of the healthcare provider, while the data in that of the patient.
  • Concluding from the above, the cost of data supply imposing an excess burden on the attending institution - photocopying, making a written medical opinion - shall be borne by the patient.
  • Legally capable patients may request by themselves an opportunity to get an insight into the data in the documentation, either in writing or personally
  • Patients may authorize another person to get to know their data either during treatment or even afterwards. Authorization shall be submitted in writing and for an authorization during treatment, the simple documentary format is sufficient.
  • During the life of the patients or after their death, the spouse, the lineal relative, brother or sister or partner may be entitled to get to know their medical data based on a written request, if it is necessary due to a reason influencing their lives or their personal healthcare and they cannot draw conclusion on the data from any other ways.
  • After the death of a patient, the legal representative, relative or lineal relative shall be entitled upon written request to get an insight into the medical documentation regarding the reason for death and the therapy and to ask for a copy thereabout at their own cost.
Last update: 2021. 09. 29. 13:23