Orthopedic and Traumatology Clinic - Main Reception

Orthopedic specialist consultation is a referral-only service. Except for urgent cases appointments can be made by calling +36 52 513 688; +36 52 513 687; + 36 52 513 613 or by e-mail at diszpecser@kenezykorhaz.hu, or in person. In case of urgent care, patients should report to the Emergency Clinic or Traumatology Outpatient Care Clinic.

The following subspecialties have their own specialist consultations at the Clinic: surgery for knee and hip problems; pediatric orthopedics; spine surgery; shoulder surgery, foot and ankle surgery. Upon request appointments may be made with specialists of the above medical fields.

To schedule a postoperative physiotherapy for patients operated on at the Department of Orthopaedics, please call +36303238102.

Last update: 2023. 10. 12. 14:59