Pathology - Introduction to our core services

Diagnostics in pathology means the close and microscopic examination of human cells, tissues, and organs removed from the body for the purposes of diagnosing or dismissing certain conditions and performing examinations required for the optimal treatment of diseases as required by different medical specialties.

Diagnostics at the Pathology Division of the University of Debrecen Kenézy Gyula Teaching Hospital continuously responds to the needs of the hospital. Our fully-equipped histochemistry, histo-immunochemistry, and cytology labs are led by a medical biologist. For a fee, it is possible to screen high-risk HPV types in relation to cervical screenings and perform complementary biomarker exams.

We have a sufficient number of physicians that enables specialization according to the main medical areas of the hospital: pathology of the breast, reproductive system, digestive system, respiratory system, urology, head and neck, skin, as well as gynecological and diagnostic aspiration cytology.

Our cytopathology lab – an accredited screening lab – is one of the labs with the highest patient population. The division has a number of highly-trained healthcare professionals facilitating care.

As a teaching hospital, we cooperate with the Pathology Institute of the University of Debrecen Clinical Centre in graduate and post-graduate education.

It is our mission to provide patients with high-quality, cutting-edge, wide-ranging diagnostic services that contribute to their speedy recovery.

Head of department chief physician: Dr. Ilona Kovács

Head nurse of department: Anita Matolcsi

Last update: 2024. 01. 31. 15:30