Introduction - Hospital Chaplain Service

The aim of the Hospital Chaplain Service 

The Hospital Chaplain Services of the Nagyerdei Campus have been providing daily patient visits and pastoral care for 30 years. It is the experience of so many years that when the body is sick, the soul is also looking for handrails and resources. People can be is sick, and not just their certain parts. A pastoral visit, a helpful conversation, offers spiritual and religious support, encouragement, and an accompanying presence during the illness. This help is available to anyone who needs it: patients, their families and helpers.

Hospital chaplains are also take part in the organization of various holidays or children and youth programs (e.g. chant for Advent). Coordination and involvement of patient volunteers is also part of their service and they attend church and health events, too. Individual and organized forms are offered for the spiritual support of the workers.

What is pastoral care about? A helping conversation offered to patients, their families, and their helpers. They focus on the patient where the past, present and future appear, and the resources, deficits and the maintenance of hope, too. Psychological and spiritual support. It is part of the interdisciplinary healing work in collaboration with other helpers.

Operation: 2 people are in the clinics per day - a visitor and a pastor. There are group conversations, Bible lessons, and religious occasions: devotionals, worship.

It is possible to visit infectious patients or accompany dying patients - if the family is requested. 

Hospital pastors are specialists with pastoral and special qualifications (mental hygiene / pastoral psychology / family therapy / addiction, etc.).

Last update: 2023. 06. 22. 10:34