- Admission to inpatient wards is done on the first floor of the Dermatology Clinic, next to the elevator in the middle.
- The office is open weekdays: 7 AM - 3 PM.
- Referrals are required for all hospitalizations, which in the majority of cases are given to patients at our own specialist outpatients, from where patients are directed to the ward.
- Based on the referral, the patient file and a fever chart are filled in and a bed assigned to the patient, and if the patient or their relatives request it, we also put on a wristband.
- Patients are then guided to the appropriate nurses’ station.
- During duty hours the duty doctor prepares all the documentation that is necessary for the admission.
- After admission the patient is examined by the ward doctor and then the leading doctor of the ward defines which exams are necessary and then in addition to a systemic therapy a local therapy is initiated.
- Transfer of patients to other clinics can only be done after prior consultation.
Last update:
2022. 02. 23. 13:28