Neurology Division - Introduction to our core services

At the general neurology clinic we examine patients with neurological conditions and provide urgent care or hospital admission if needed. The general clinic or specialist consultation may send the patient to any of our other outpatient facilities, described below, where a specialist physician manages their care.

The epilepsy clinic with its well-equipped EEG laboratory can examine suspected epilepsy symptoms and run special EEG tests. Among other tests, a 24-hr outpatient EEG can be performed with simultaneous EEG video monitoring. We are experts in differentiating between epilepsy and other conditions with similar symptoms, both in case of adults and children. Exams and treatment usually occur on an outpatient basis but patients who live far away or have severe conditions can be hospitalized in the same building. Our expertise allows us to treat very severe epilepsy as well. Our epilepsy outpatient services available on Wednesday can answer questions and interpret EEG results on as long as they are related to epilepsy.

A cerebrovascular (stroke) specialist consultation offers prompt examination and treatment of patients with sudden, acute, and long-standing symptoms, regular check-ups, and preventive care to avoid the deterioration of the patient’s condition.

We run tests to prevent cerebrovascular diseases (neurological tests, tests to check the condition of cerebral veins and arteries, labs and radiological tests) and exams in preparation for carotid endarterectomy. Our ultrasound lab at the department runs duplex scan tests of veins and arteries in the neck and doppler tests to study the condition of veins and arteries in the skull. Our ultrasound equipment can be tilted, which enables us to pinpoint whether dizziness and fainting spells originate from the brain or heart.

The Parkinson’s specialist consultation explores the causes of Parkinson’s disease and makes a distinction between idiopathic and symptomatic types based on complex examinations and tests. Our substantial expertise allows us to differentiate between Parkinson’s and other similar disorders. When a patient’s condition deteriorates or there are neurological complications, we can admit the patient and offer treatment at our inpatient department.

Multiple sclerosis specialist consultation can provide cutting-edge diagnostic services and treatment meeting international guidelines for those suffering from multiple sclerosis and other similar neuro-immunological disorders. Treatment and long-term follow-ups for patients are provided. Hospital admission, inpatient treatment, and physical therapy are available in case of a sudden worsening of symptoms (episodes).

At the specialist consultation for headaches we provide thorough examinations to explore the varied causes of headaches, diagnose them, treat the patient and offer follow-up care.

The specialist consultation for memory disorders examines the causes of dementia stemming from neurological dysfunctions. We can perform the full range of tests required for this. Beyond diagnostics, we also treat patients as long as it is medically possible to do so. When the causes cannot be eliminated, we treat the symptoms and provide follow-up care.

The peripheral nervous system specialist consultation explores the multiple causes behind damage in the peripheral nervous system (the plexus and nerves traveling to all parts of the body). In addition to a regular neurological examinations, we have devices to examine nerves and muscles enabling us to come to an accurate diagnosis. This is mostly done in outpatient care but severe cases may be treated at our inpatient department as well.

The sleep apnea specialist consultation performs thorough exams to explore sleep disorders (which may also result in disorders to stay awake the next day) and prescribes medications or other kinds of treatment. We study and treat all sleep disorders, offer medication and advice, except when a ventilation at home (CPAP) is needed.

Head of department chief physician: Dr. Pálma Piros

Head nurse of department: Andrea Gyenes

Last update: 2022. 02. 18. 11:18