Pulmonology Clinic - Introduction to Core Functions

We provide health service at the premises at Nagyerdei körút 98., a new location now with 1845 m2 after renovation.
The catchment area of the Pulmonology Clinic’s inpatient service is Debrecen.

As we are a University Clinic, we accept patients from the region and the whole country within the scope of progressive care.

Our Clinic provides service on a referral and appointment-only basis (GP, or Pulmonology Care Centres)

We care for a broad range of conditions:

  • general pulmonology,
  • TBC,
  • immunology and allergology,
  • oncology,
  • emergency and intensive care,
  • pulmonological rehabilitation

With the number of respiratory illnesses constantly growing we need to treat more and more patients. The work is done by clinical consultants, clinical physicians and residents. Nursing is done by registered nurses and specialized assistants. Education of patients is done by assistants specializing in pulmonology and allergology, oncology nurses, licensed and registered nurses.

Pulmonology rehabilitation is done by two physiotherapists. We can provide patient care with modern equipment in line with European standards.
Since consultants in the intensive care unit are also members of the clinic, we are able to perform bronchoscopy under conscious sedation or with general anesthesia.

The majority of inpatients suffer from respiratory insufficiency as a result of acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, patients with pneumonia and tumor patients in need of supportive care. Inpatient care is provided on three floors with a total of 113 beds.
 Clinical consultants are helped by interns, residents and registered nurses.

Before any treatment can begin patients are informed and examined, and need to sign a patient information sheet and informed consent form. 

Last update: 2024. 01. 31. 15:34