Department of Rheumatology and Immunology - Ward rounds

Ward doctors’ round: This round is made at 8 AM. During the round the ward doctor reviews the reports of examinations that were done, and ensures that the data are entered into the fever chart. Then the doctors perform a thorough physical examination, ask patients how they feel, and then the ward doctor discusses the following steps with the nurses and colleagues of the physiotherapy unit and documents the tasks on the fever chart. Ward doctors also administer injections and infusions that can only to be administered by doctors. They check on their patients again during the day depending on the severity of patients’ condition, they also check and review the freshly received test results.

Specialist’s round: The specialist leading the therapy of the patient, ward doctor and appointed nurse(s) take part in this round. The ward doctor reports about the status of the patient and the test results that have been received. The specialist examines the patient if necessary, suggests new examinations and consultations. They then discuss the next steps, the temporary and final diagnoses and mention the expected date of discharge. The date of discharge should be given to the patient 24 hours before the due time, if possible.

Professor’s round: Depending on their schedule each takes a round at least once a week. The Head of Department, /the professor, who is deputy Head of Department, specialists and ward doctors as well as the head nurse and appointed nurse(s) take part in the round in which the specialist or the ward doctor report to the professor about the anamnesis of the patient, about any change in the patient’s condition, the therapy and planned diagnostic steps.

Last update: 2024. 05. 27. 14:43