Cardiac surgery specialist consultation
Recovering heart surgery patients are to return once to the cardiac surgery specialist consultation for a follow-up examination after completing their rehabilitation treatment. The follow-up examination happens 6-8 weeks after surgery; its date and precise time (hour, minute) are entered in the discharge summary.
During the follow-up examination the surgeon personally checks the condition of the patient, their performance status and complaints and performs the follow-up examination. If the doctor notices some disorder, he/she makes recommendations for their remedy and for additional diagnostic examinations, if necessary. The ambulatory patient record made during the specialist consultation contains the following data: complaints and condition of the patient, their ECG report, additional examinations made or needed (chest X-ray, echocardiography, and laboratory tests), recommendations for life-style and therapy, and the date of another check-up examination, if necessary.
Cardiac surgery specialist consultations: Mon-Fri: 8 AM - 3 PM.
Upon patients’, their GP’s or attending doctor’s request patients may continue taking part in the cardiac surgery consultation. An appointment and a doctor’s referral is needed.
If patients require an unscheduled follow-up examination without an appointment for any reason, they may arrange it with the assistant of the consultation on weekdays from 8 AM to 9 AM at +36 52/411-717, extension 54205.
If later at any time, even years after the cardiac surgery patients and their attending doctors need surgeons’ advice or help they are available by pre-arrangement and by appointment.
Physiotherapy for patients with cardiac surgery
Early in the post-operative period in the intensive care unit physiotherapists perform passive and then active mobilization. Afterwards, during their stay in the ward a physiotherapy program adapted to the individual condition of the patients is carried out. Patients without complications start exercising in the gym of our clinic under the supervision of their physiotherapists.
Physiotherapy is an essential part of cardiac rehabilitation. Our physiotherapy consultation is available for patients from Hajdú-Bihar county to continue with their physio exercises begun during their hospitalization on two occasions per week under the physiotherapist supervised by the cardiologist. Patients leaving the hospital are informed about the potential participation in, the reason for and expected benefits and times of physiotherapy consultation.
Clinic times: Tue, Thurs: 11:45 AM - 1 PM, group exercise.
Appointment: as prearranged with the physiotherapist, telephone number: +36 52/411-717, extension 54428
Patients from outside of the catchment area are transferred to the cardiology rehabilitation institute of their own area, where physiotherapists monitor their exercise program that was begun during the early rehabilitation period.
Patients arriving for consultation need to bring along their previous final reports, medical documents and the list of the medications they take.
Referral is needed.