This specialist consultation takes care of heart patients. The patient is referred to the cardiology outpatients if a suspected heart condition is raised by the GP or another specialist, before an intervention is carried out, when the condition of the heart needs to be checked before the issuance of a driving license, as part of an occupational health survey or to approve of athletes doing sports. Similarly, patients treated at the cardiology inpatient ward are to return for a follow-up examination to the outpatient ward.
Ambulatory care is a referral- and appointment-only service provided at the request of our own doctors, or that of other institutes/ doctors). Ambulatory cardiological examination comprises taking the blood pressure, making an ECG examination, frequently also making a heart ultrasound and other examinations (laboratory, exercise testing, etc.) and specialist assessments. Depending on their condition, patients may be transferred to one of the cardiology sub specialization outpatients such as heart failure, arrhythmia and pacemaker, diabetology, structural heart condition, onco-cardiology, pulmonary hypertension, sports cardiology, pregnancy cardiology.