Patients requested to return do not need a referral from the GP while they are under continuing care. Upon arrival at the clinic they need to register at one of the reception desks located at the entrance to the emergency unit, and at the ground floor entrances to the specialist outpatient suites. In order to register patients need to show their health insurance card. If they have other issues, like certificates for travel reimbursement or for sick leave they need to turn to the respective specialist consultation or to the main reception. Certification of chronic illnesses need to be requested at the competent specialist consultation.
Parents/guardians may stay 24 hours a day with the child, except in the intensive care unit. Visiting hours at the ICU are subject to the work schedule of the unit, the frequent need for acute interventions. Whenever feasible parents may be assured that they will be able to visit their children. In case of permanently ill children or those in a severe condition visiting hours are managed flexibly and parents are allowed to visit or even stay. It is important that wards do not become overcrowded because this may impede patient care, the comfort of other patients/relatives or may contribute to infection risks. Children who have been cured or do not need hospitalization any longer, receive a summary report upon discharge from the hospital, a copy of which they need to show their GP. The new IT system allows the GP to have access to the results of clinical tests and examinations.