Evelin Habony népegészségügyi ellenőr
Ágnes Héri health educator

Magdaléna Jaczkóné Magyari health educator
+36 52 411 717 / 59463
4031 Debrecen Pósa utca 1
Institute for Basic Care and Health Development Office
Renáta Koroknai-Horváth health educator (Currently on maternity leave)
Ilona Ibolya Kovácsné Beri health educator
+36 52 411 717 / 59406
4031 Debrecen Pósa út 1
Institute for Basic Care and Health Development Office, floor 1, 1
Viktória Kovács health educator
+36 52 411 717 / 57123
4031 Debrecen Pósa utca 1
Institute for Basic Care and Health Development Office, floor 1 ( )
Ágnes Török-Pálffy health educator

+36 52 513 688 / 59463
4031 Debrecen Pósa út 1
Institute for Basic Care and Health Development Office, floor 3, 3042